22 April 2010

Money $$$

I always like to look at foreign money. Money is always so beautifully designed, with lots of different symbols and interesting details. For instance, the dollar has an eagle holding an olive branch in one talon and thirteen arrows in the other, symbolizing the balance between peace and war and a triangle with the eye of God in its center, symbolizing the holy trinity. I think all the American dollar bills are rather beautiful, especially with their trademark green color. I don't know why we dye our bills green; I suppose its just another anti-counterfeiting measure. Thats the reason for a lot of the detail work; anti-counterfeiting measures. The new Benjamins have heavy security on them, and the face actually moves when it is held in different directions. But, sometimes too much detail makes it easier to counterfeit, so the bills sometimes get revised in order to be less busy. Some states and cities actually have their own slightly altered dollar, and some places, like Las Vegas, pay their strippers only in almost extinct bills, like two dollar bills, or two thousand dollar bills. Lol.
 The actual portraits of the Americans on our bills are based on real portraits that hang around the country. I feel that gives our money a certain, drawn style. I've seen other coins and bills with an almost photographic picture on them, and I'm not sure how much I like it. I think the drawn quality makes it seem more classical and graceful. Although, I feel that our money isn't symbolizing quite enough. Even though there is a Sacagawea dollar and a Susan B. Anthony dollar, I think more portraits of women should be put on our money. Yeah, I'm just feminist that way.

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