*UPDATE: I found out what I was trying to figure out in this blogpost. All of these statuettes, are KITSCH. (fascinating topic!)
The weather was beautiful today; sunny and warm, with just a perfect amount of spring breeze. It felt and looked like the perfect spring day around my neighborhood, with all of the trees in bloom, and the ground covered in tulips and daffodils. I went rollerblading with my camera, and began to notice something interesting; all of my neighbors have tons of art on their lawns. Well, its not really conventional art I suppose, its weird lawn decorations; angels, bunnies, little puppies, statues of Jesus..... Its still art though, isn't it, even though its sort of tacky. I was wondering why I think they're tacky though. I mean, if these lawn decorations were Rodin statues would I still think they're tacky?

No, I don't think they would be. See, I think that something about them reminds me of idols. Those angels and fairies are like little remnants of paganistic worship, being something more beautiful and removed from the world, than human reality. Or some things, like the little animals, are a sort of mockery or idealism of the real thing. That sort of idea is art, but perhaps the thing that makes it tacky and unartistic, is that the people who put these statues on their lawns, do not see the art behind it. They do not see or think anything at all, aside that it is 'cute' and will give a look of decor on their lawns. I see people buying these things all the time from like, Homegoods, and Kmart,. Its as common a suburban feature as lawn mowers and shiny cars.

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