12 April 2010

String Art

I recently saw this video on Threadbanger (well, really, Decor It Yourself) which featured String Art. I actually recognized a piece of art in my school, which looked similar:

 I didn't really understand what it was before, and I thought it was pretty unique. Now that I've researched it, I found its an entire genre! It can be made with a few different mediums, like yarn, nails, and a board, as shown in the Threadbanger video (and the piece hanging in my school), or sewn on paper with a needle and thread. Unlike the video said, it was not created in the 70's, rather near the end of the 19th century by Mary Everest Boole, a mathematician. She made these geometric art pieces in order to teach the mathematical ideas of Bezier curves to children. It was only popular in the 1970's, due to a rise in crafting, and many String Art kits and books. I think it looks alright, but I'm not awfully impressed by it. However, computer 'string art' and animation, looks rad. Its those same mathematical ideas, but they look so much more beautiful done in motion and animation. I think that computer graphics is a better medium for Bezier curves, than yarn and nails. Its a great artistic idea though, making calculus and math, physically beautiful!

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