I went to the mall with a rather nice outfit on; a loose courdoroy jacket with an interesting diagonal zipper, a white Ralph Lauren eyelet dress, short princess sleeve striped shirt, and smoky electric blue stockings. I wore my hair rather nice too; straight, but in a messy pony tail. But one little thing kind of ruined the look; my shoes. I wore my most comfortable black Mary Jane wedge heels. Up till about last week, they were my favorite pair of heels to wear when I'm in a good mood, and the outfit matches it. But today, I realized that they are rather boring for Spring 2010, and I needed some sort of more interesting black shoes. So while wandering through the racks in H&M, my dad stumbled upon these strange, lace up leather wedges.

I don't immediatly try everything my dad picks out, but since I'm strangely attracted to strange things, I had to try them on, and then I had buy them. And I love them! I switched shoes while in Starbucks, and, after examing my reflection in the glass window, found they compimented my outfit perfectly. Innocent princess dress combined with biker heels an androgynous corodury jacket equals love! But lets back track to my troublesome Mary Janes.
I had wore them quite a few times, and they did look good as they are, all comfortable and casual. But times have changed, and boring shoes really can ruin an entire look. So I decided to buy some peace symbols, little metal fish, and rhinestones to dress them up. The rhinestones that I bought are so pretty; they look like pieces of a constellation when held.
I saw the documentary
The September Issue yesterday, and that possibly influenced my next thought; how much nicer designer Swarovski rhinestones would feel. For now though, I'm satisfied with my plastic. Although, with plastic, there is a very fine line between tacky and stylish. And that sort of thing can't happen if your using Swarovski.
(One shoe is finished, and the other one is half; which one do you like better?)